Sunday, February 20, 2011

Now What...

I've signed up for a (free) 6 week course on how to de-clutter your business from, which is geared toward an online craft business... I've also signed up on Etsy today, just as a lookie-loo ~ my mind is swirling and whirling with options. I think I want to have a small online shop on Etsy in the nearer future -- stationary is what I'm thinking as a start... then increasing to useful crafts that are recycled and 'green' - using a "Use Whatcha Have" and "Frugally Fun" philosophy.  Crafts that are useful is one of my big big THINGS.

My own business still appeals to me - but (what I was doing) taking craft projects to seniors in private care homes is a lot of effort for not a lot of return - and while it is an effort worth making, and a cause close to my heart; I have some head-heart-soul clearing to work through and sort out... some re-focusing of what I really want. And music is always first... art and crafting second.

I loved multi-media computing and thought websites were going to be a way for me to have a job/career that I enjoyed... I still love the online challenges -- and learning more about online marketing, and I am always looking to learn more and increase my skills 'behind the scenes' with graphics and photos; and so that is something I want to increase my skills with.

Using music software to make my own backtracks and music... another goal.

Writing and illustrating children's books... another thing I think I could do well.

Well, this first post is proving to be a complete rambling out loud... focus? What is that? (*Big Grin!*)

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